Psychadelic Blues Rock baked in A crispy shell.

This page is dedicated to the psychedelic jams and inspiring grooves of the five person band Soma. This page will always be under construction so check back often for updates. The profile section contains information on Band members.The equipment page will give info and pics of the band's equipment. It will also provide links to the companies that made the stuff. The Pics section will contain pictures of the band. The section called ELEMENO will link you to Dave's vocal quintet. The Links page contains various links on band members interests. Dave's Page is an informative page with resources on various topics and links to go with 'em. Remember that this page is always under construction so please notify me with any dead links or images.

Hello boys and girls are you ready for a show. Or a test and may I ask if you dont mind can you try to be so kind to keep on going no dont stop and youll be surprised because its not whther you eat or not its whther you pass or not. Can you pass?